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I Owe the IRS Back Taxes HELP!

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement

Getting a notice in the mail that you owe the IRS back taxes is scary. That moment when you say to yourself, "I owe the IRS back taxes" and you don't even open the envelope because you already know what is inside.  You may feel like you are alone and have no way out - after all, it is...
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What Kind of Back Tax Relief Does the IRS Have Right Now?

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement
What Kind of Back Tax Relief Does the IRS Have Right Now? The IRS recently updated its COVID-19 Taxpayer Relief Initiative . Although they could have done more, there are still some great options if you are dealing with IRS back tax. Unfortunately, the IRS has started to issue federal tax liens and levy bank accounts. […]
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Tax Attorney Joshua Sells to Host Online IRS Offer in Compromise Tax Relief Workshop

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement
Tax Attorney Joshua Sells Explains The IRS Offer in Compromise Tax Settlement Program The IRS has a program in place that allows certain taxpayers the ability to settle their back tax and get a “fresh start” as many know the program as. It is entirely possible to literally settle your outstanding back tax for a […]
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Bipartisan Tax Law Would Change Retirement Savings

  • Individual Tax Planning, Ohio Tax Attorney, Retirement Savings, Tax Law Changes
Ohio Tax Lawyer Alert: Bipartisan Legislation Will Change Retirement Plans There is bipartisan support to make changes to retirement plans. The House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-Tex) have introduced the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020. The Ohio Tax Lawyer opinion: This is good legislation […]
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IRS Has 2 Years to Accept/Reject Tax Settlements

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement
The Two Year Rule – The IRS Accepts or Rejects Your Offer in Compromise or it is Automatically Accepted Did you know that the IRS must make a decision on your tax settlement in two years? If they don’t, it is automatically accepted (I.R.C. 7122)! I almost had a case as a Cincinnati tax attorney […]
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