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Restaurant Business Meals now 100% Deductible

Recent tax law change now allows a 100% business meal deduction purchased at a restaurant (for an otherwise eligible business meal). In Notice 2021-25, the IRS clarifies that a “restaurant” means “a business that prepares and sells food or beverages to retail customers for immediate consumption, regardless of whether the food or beverages are consumed […]
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How to Get IRS Penalties Waived

  • first-time penalty abatement, how to get irs penalties waived, how to get the irs to remove penalties and interest, how to reduce irs penalties, irs abatement, irs abatement of penalties, irs penalties, irs penalties waived, irs penalty, IRS Penalty Abatement, irs penalty waiver, irs tax penalty, late filing penalty, late payment penalty, penalties and interest, penalty abatement, reasonable cause, reduce tax penalties, tax penalties and interest, underpayment penalty
How to Get IRS Penalties Waived Using an IRS Computer Glitch to Your Advantage You’ve probably heard about first time penalty abatement with the IRS. It’s where you can call the IRS and with a 5-minute phone call you can have certain penalties waived. But did you know there’s a trick to do get your […]
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I Owe the IRS Back Taxes HELP!

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement

Getting a notice in the mail that you owe the IRS back taxes is scary. That moment when you say to yourself, "I owe the IRS back taxes" and you don't even open the envelope because you already know what is inside.  You may feel like you are alone and have no way out - after all, it is...
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